Saturday, April 14, 2012

Belated Better Batter Review

Better Batter Review

Ok, If your eating Gluten Free, then perhaps you have began to hear the buzz about this stuff! I had, in the past, posted that at some point I wanted to try it and C4C (cup for cup). I have not tried C4C yet, but better batter fell into my arms from a local store shelf and is now my best pal!

What is Gluten free? Avoiding foods containing Gluten, typically due to an intolerance or Celiac disease. Generally, its not done without cause though. Its an expensive pain in the booty!

What is it about better batter that is different? I suspect its the lemon derived pectin. I've used gelatin, xanthan and etc but seems pectin is the winner winner carby dinner on this one. 

Now, besides having a distintively adorable container, BETTER BATTER has a name for itself in the world of gluten free for one bigtime "miracle"! BISCUITS! 

The Gluten free mom that took and made these biscuit beauties basically said she about cried when she ate them, realizing it tasted like a real biscuit and not a grainy crumbly mess. I have also made the pretty lil' biscuits. I can vouch, they are gluten free miracles. Remind me alot of chickfila's biscuits actually. I plan on playing more with the recipe but am very happy!

This picture (above) is why we are so happy! Anyone who has ever used normal gluten free dough knows how crumbley and messy it is. Enough to make you give up! But BB's dough FEELS LIKE REAL DOUGH! You can squish, kneed and mold it! ITS FANTASTIC! I mean you can make almost ANYTHING with this stuff!

The website has a ton of recipes that are pre-measured for the mixes. However, you can use it in almost any recipe you find. With yeast breads its been suggested you double the liquids however. But I myself have made soft lovely pancakes, beautiful biscuits, fudgey brownies, cake donuts, and etc. Its really great stuff. I can't imagion the C4C being able to be better than this batter, but I say bring it on! 

The mixes can make life a lil' more convenient. I'd have to say my only 3 gripes really are as follows....

1. Size is small per box is about-ish 3-4 cups.
2. not sold enough places, I'm lucky to find it at Homegoods
3. health factor, wish they could incorporate healthier gf flours in the mix. white rice takes the lead.

Besides that, I am impressed!
More pics to come when I experiment more, keep an eye open for more food blogs containing the words "better batter".  As for the ones on this page, not mine, but all made with this lovely flour!

happy cooking!


  1. HI, Cooky! it's good to note that we do sell the flour in large sizes and in bulk discounts (aka "cheap") directly at with a flat $5.00 shipping - the 20oz size is our intro size.

    So happy you enjoyed our products. We love'em too

    1. Yes, and honestly I need to prob purchase those at some point.


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